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Ella Zhou

Ella Zhou

Sales Manager

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Cheertrend Development LTD. AIBot в сетиЭта беседа сгенерирована искусственным интеллектом. Перед совершением транзакции свяжитесь с производителем, чтобы подтвердить информацию.
  • Ella Zhou
    Добро пожаловать в мой магазин. Я рад вам обслуживать. Не стесняйтесь задавать мне любые вопросы.

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Новости компании

Customize Your Video Brochure2017-11-23 13:00:09
Customize Your Video Brochure

Your LCD screen brochures are fully customizable with a variety of options:

  • Screen Size: Available screen sizes include: 2.4”, 2.8”, 4.3”, 5”, 7” and 10.1”. some touch screen is available.

  • Video Content: Your video content can be programmed to begin automatically when the video brochure is opened, or you can include multi videos that can be accessed at the touch of a button. Your USB cable can operate to recharge the batteries or upload different content at a later time.

  • Buttons: Choose up to ten buttons for your video brochure. Buttons are customizable, with options available to play/pause,volume /-, pre/next... buttons.

  • Brochure Size: Standard available sizes include: 2” x 3.5”, 6.88” x 5”, 5” x 5”, 8.26” x 5.7”, 8.27” x 11.69”. Your video brochure can also be customized to meet specific size requirements. Each brochure is surprisingly light, but durable.

  • Memory: Memory options include: 128 MB (standard), 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, or 2 GB. Some projects can be upgraded to 4 or 16 GB. 128 MB of memory equals approximately seven minutes of video.