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Ella Zhou

Ella Zhou

Sales Manager

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Cheertrend Development LTD. AIBot в сетиЭта беседа сгенерирована искусственным интеллектом. Перед совершением транзакции свяжитесь с производителем, чтобы подтвердить информацию.
  • Ella Zhou
    Добро пожаловать в мой магазин. Я рад вам обслуживать. Не стесняйтесь задавать мне любые вопросы.

Пожалуйста, введите правильный код подтверждения.

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What Is a Video Brochure?2017-11-23 13:00:09
What Is a Video Brochure?

Video brochures and video mailers combine an ultra-thin LCD screen with a durable handheld print brochure. When you open the brochure, simply press the play button to start the video content. If no buttons have been included, the video will begin to play automatically. Built-in speakers deliver high-quality sound, and each brochure includes rechargeable batteries for long-lasting performance. The brochure also includes a micro USB port and USB cable, allowing you to upload additional video content at a later time. The cable may also be used to recharge the batteries in the device. Every brochure includes:

  • 1.A full color durable cardstock binding

  • 2.Color LCD screen

  • 3.Built-in speakers

  • 4.Rechargeable lithium batteries

  • 5.USB port

  • 6.USB cable

  • 7.Up to eight programmable buttons for viewing (options include play, stop, volume, and channel buttons)

  • 8.Between 128 MB and 2 GB of memory, for a total playing time of up to 2 hours